Technology shaping Humans lives.
In the 16 and a half years that I have existed on this
Earth, I never really realized the extent of technology on our lives. The fact that
nearly 100% of the things that we take part in everyday revolves around some
form of technology or innovation. Most of us humans are oblivious to this fact.
In a span of a couple of weeks that I have been attending this Reading Place
class, my eyes have been opened to this whole other dimension of life. An
example that has been brought up several times is a Cellphone/Smartphone.
People do not realize how much control these man-made devices have over us. I
have been a part of the Smartphone world for the past 3 years. Before that, I was
stuck with a simple QWERTY slide phone. After some reflection, I realized that I
used to read a lot more back then and used several more resources to find out
the stuff I needed to know. Now, everything is just a swipe of my finger away.
This brings me to the Google connection. In David Carr’s Is Google Making Us Stupid, he makes a
very detailed argument stating that Google is controlling our lives. He
mentions media theorist Marshall McLuhan. He says, “… are not just
passive channels of information. They supply the stuff of thought, but they
also shape the process of thought.” This is exactly what I am trying to get at. Human’s thought
processing and decision making has changed drastically. Presidential elections
are a great example of this. An American’s decision-making capabilities have
been severely altered due to the media’s constant coverage of every aspect of a
candidate’s life. During the 1800s and 1900s, the media did not have the means
to constantly survey a candidate’s life. Rumors and scandals wouldn’t be spread
as fast and some people may not even find out due to lack of proper
communication and transportation.
My last point brings me to an
article that I stumbled upon. This article is titled “Smartphones Will
Be Smarter than Humans By 2017, Enough To Perform Tasks As A ‘Secret Digital
Agent.”The author of this article, Kukil Bora, says that Smartphones will be
able to “predict their owners' next move, their next purchase or even
interpret their actions.” This astounds me to a point where I want to start limiting my own
smartphone use and start using my brain more.
Technology shaping Humans lives.
In the 16 and a half years that I have existed on this
Earth, I never really realized the extent of technology on our lives. The fact that
nearly 100% of the things that we take part in everyday revolves around some
form of technology or innovation. Most of us humans are oblivious to this fact.
In a span of a couple of weeks that I have been attending this Reading Place
class, my eyes have been opened to this whole other dimension of life. An
example that has been brought up several times is a Cellphone/Smartphone.
People do not realize how much control these man-made devices have over us. I
have been a part of the Smartphone world for the past 3 years. Before that, I was
stuck with a simple QWERTY slide phone. After some reflection, I realized that I
used to read a lot more back then and used several more resources to find out
the stuff I needed to know. Now, everything is just a swipe of my finger away.
This brings me to the Google connection. In David Carr’s Is Google Making Us Stupid, he makes a
very detailed argument stating that Google is controlling our lives. He
mentions media theorist Marshall McLuhan. He says, “… are not just
passive channels of information. They supply the stuff of thought, but they
also shape the process of thought.” This is exactly what I am trying to get at. Human’s thought
processing and decision making has changed drastically. Presidential elections
are a great example of this. An American’s decision-making capabilities have
been severely altered due to the media’s constant coverage of every aspect of a
candidate’s life. During the 1800s and 1900s, the media did not have the means
to constantly survey a candidate’s life. Rumors and scandals wouldn’t be spread
as fast and some people may not even find out due to lack of proper
communication and transportation.
My last point brings me to an
article that I stumbled upon. This article is titled “Smartphones Will
Be Smarter than Humans By 2017, Enough To Perform Tasks As A ‘Secret Digital
Agent.”The author of this article, Kukil Bora, says that Smartphones will be
able to “predict their owners' next move, their next purchase or even
interpret their actions.” This astounds me to a point where I want to start limiting my own
smartphone use and start using my brain more.