Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Vine Project Reflection

My vines were a reflection of my attempts at breaking the norms and finding ways to enjoy myself while at the same time maintaining a greener footprint on this Earth. Although very basic, I thought my vines presented a clear message. In my first vine, I am at a park spending time swinging on a swing. In fact, I was with a friend of mine just hanging out. Just chilling and spending time with a close friend of mine was sufficient enough for me. The point is that both he and I did not contribute to carbon emissions during that that afternoon. Teenagers my age often find themselves aimlessly driving around, trying to kill time or think of something fun to do. First and foremost, I find myself thinking that that is a waste of gas and lets off harmful carbon dioxide fumes to the atmosphere. The fact that my friend and I enjoyed ourselves without harming the environment should be an indicator for people to at least alter their lifestyles to a more green way. My second vine shows me turning my body from a park into the woods adjacent to it. I say “Time to get out of the city and go on an Eco-hike”. Like my first vine, a very simple phrase holds a lot of meaning. The area of woods around the park is like a retreat from the everyday city life. Although small and enclosed by the bustling noise of the surrounding city, the woods offer a sense of protectiveness and a place to reflect individually. This is similar to how McCandless felt  when he sought the wild as a place of refuge.

These vines are an attempt by me to at least be conscious of the environment and connect with my inner aspects of nature. Even though I am no where as extreme as Chris McCandless, I can still feel content knowing that I am at least trying to be aware of our environment. 

1 comment:

  1. First, you only have two, right? I recall a story about the third failing, but thought you might try again. Your blogs both focus on positive ecological actions but seem slightly ironic as well. Who calls walking an 'eco-hike'? And of course the car alarm going off as you set off seems to raise alarms of its own as does the fact that you're only walking into a few trees on the SPA campus. It also looks like you did this at SPA using what was here instead of considering other possible settings. 15/20
